Material att använda i samband med överklagan och verkställighetshinder. Sammanställt augusti 2018 av Lisa Carlgren, Göteborg (organisationsforskare, frivillig familjehemsförälder). I syfte att stötta afghanska ungdomar som fått avslag med hänvisning till att de kan leva i en annan del av landet, samt de som inte längre är muslimer.
EASO Coi Report Afghanistan: Security Situation – Update 2018
Här finns detaljinfo om olika regioner. Jag har plockat ut Baghlan för att
det var relevant, man kan hitta andra med. Problemet är väl att säkerhetsläget
ändras drastiskt på kort tid som vi sett på sistone.
Update on the general security situation
“In August
2017, the United Nations (UN) Secretary General changed its assessment of
Afghanistan, for the first time since the fall of the Taliban regime in 2001,
from a country in a situation of ‘post-conflict’ to ‘a country undergoing a
conflict that shows few signs of abating’. Similarly, the UN Office for the
Coordination of Humanitarian Aid (UNOCHA) stated in December 2017 that ‘what
was once a low intensity conflict has now escalated into a war’. And following
a series of high-profile attacks launched by antigovernment elements in urban
centres, the UN Secretary General, in February 2018, stated that the security
situation was ‘highly unstable’.” (page 20)
Conflict severity
below is the conflict severity map, produced by UNOCHA. The conflict severity
is characterised by three indicators: security incidents; civilian casualties;
and conflict-induced displacement, which are representative for the period from
1 January to 31 December 2017. The shading on the map is based on an average of
the ranking of all districts on these indicators”.
Security situation in Kabul city: In 2017, Kabul province accounted for
the highest number of civilian casualties in Afghanistan, which is due mainly
to deliberate attacks in Kabul city; 16 % of all civilian casualties in
Afghanistan occurred in Kabul. Suicide attacks and complex
attacks, as well as other types of incidents which also include the use of
IEDs, pushed up the rate of civilian casualties in Kabul. One high-profile
attack in May 2017 alone accounted for a third of all civilian casualties.
UNAMA stated that in 2017, in Kabul city, suicide and complex attacks caused 1
612 civilian casualties (440 deaths and 1 172 injured), a 17 % increase
compared to 2016. In January 2018, at least 174 people were killed in attacks
in Kabul city alone (page 27).
In June 2017,
UNHCR and the Norwegian refugee Council made the following assessment: ‘Kabul
province has received the highest number of returnees in 2017, and historically
since 2002. Its capacity to absorb and
reintegrate refugees returning to Afghanistan, as well as IDPs from other
provinces is minimal. IDPs and returnees are mostly settling in the
outskirts of the capital where basic services are lacking’ (page 33).
I rapporten finns också detaljerad information om de olika provinserna!
UNAMA midyear report 2018
“In the
first six months of 2018, the armed conflict continued to destroy the lives and
livelihoods of civilians at the same toxic levels as last year. The UN
Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) renews its calls on parties to the
conflict to increase efforts to protect the civilian population and encourages
parties to work towards reaching a peaceful settlement. From 1 January to 30
June 2018, UNAMA documented 5,122 civilian casualties (1,692 deaths and 3,430
injured) - a three per cent overall decrease from last year - reflecting the
same levels of harm to civilians as those documented in during the same period
in 2017 and 2016. Civilian deaths increased by one per cent while the number of
civilians injured decreased by five per cent.”
UNAMA presentation April 2018, conclusions of the above report
protection alternatives (e.g. in Kabul, Heart) are not “relevant and
reasonable” in the absence of family support or an effective community
Finlands utrikesministerium
”Olli Ruohomäki, specialrådgivare på Utrikesministeriet, är sällsynt
frispråkig för att vara tjänsteman, men han vet vad han talar om. Ruohomäki är
Finlands främsta expert på Afghanistan efter att ha deltagit i sjutton olika
operationer i landet sedan år 2003.
– Jag har hunnit besöka varje del av Afghanistan. Senast var jag där i fjol
i egenskap av chargé d'affair.
Förutom att han rest överallt i landet har han publicerat många
vetenskapliga verk om landets situation.
– Jag kan lugnt säga att jag har ett stort kontaktnät i Afghanistan.”
”Ruohomäki anser personligen att utvisningsbeslut av afghanska flyktingar
nu måste läggas på is i väntan på vad som sker de närmaste tiderna.
– Exempelvis Italien och Frankrike utvisar ingen till Afghanistan just nu.
Ruohomäki får flankstöd av två andra kända Afghanistanexperter.
– Utländska ambassadörer och diplomater vågar inte röra sig i Kabul och
inte heller på just några andra ställen utan hundraprocentigt bepansrade fordon
och eskort. Det måste bli ett slut på allt prat om Afghanistans säkerhet, säger
Afghanistanforskaren Hameed Hakimi i en intervju för Yle.”
Amnesty international – after the student attacts in Kabul august 2018
mounting civilian casualties show beyond any doubt that Afghanistan and, in
particular, its capital Kabul, are not safe. Violence across the country over
the first six months of 2018 has been at record levels. And yet people fleeing
the conflict, making desperate journeys to neighboring countries and to Europe,
are being turned away in the thousands. These returns are a violation of
international law, breaching the principle of non-refoulement by forcing people
into harm’s away.”
to UN figures released last month, 1,692 people were killed in the first six
months of 2018 – more than at any comparable period of time since records began
being compiled a decade ago. Over that same period of time, 3,430 people were
also injured”.
Länkar till dokument
extern country guidance Afghanistan 2018-06-21 (page 60-63 atheism)
EASO Country Guidance: Afghanistan - Guidance note
and common analysis. June 2018
(detta är samma som ovan, men från EASOs site)
Afghanistan: ateism, apostasi 2017-12-21, version 1.0
Country of Origin Information Report. Afghanistan Individuals targeted under
societal and legal norms. December 2012 (I haven’t had the time to look)
extern:äldre landsinfo om Afghanistan
Migrationsöverdomstolens avgörande den 30 november 2011 (mål nr UM 7850-10),
MIG 2011:29
Rättsligt ställningstagande angående religion som asylskäl inklusive
konvertering. RCI 26/2012
Rättsligt ställningstagande angående den individuella prövningen av individer
tillhörande minoriteter och andra grupper i Iran samt flyktingskap sur place
för individer ur denna grupp. RCI
(människors rätt till att yttra sin religion osv):
On ”young westernized Afghans’ return”
Blogspot Stoppa utvisningarna – har fler länkar.
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