Skolgång och uppehållstillstånd

tisdag 8 december 2020

The forced deportations from Sweden to Afghanistan are resumed!

On December 15, Sweden will resume forced deportations to Afghanistan. This takes place in the midst of a serious pandemic, to a country torn apart by war, terror and poverty.

The situation in conflict-torn Afghanistan is worse than ever. The Taliban are conquering land, peace talks are threatened and the population is hard hit by poverty as a result of the corona pandemic. In the midst of this chaos, Sweden intends to resume forced deportations. The Memorandum of Understanding between the Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan and the Government of Sweden states that forced deportations must be dignified, safe and orderly, but it is debatable whether it is even possible to ensure this type of orderly conditions in a country in full armed conflict. According to their own statements, deportees are not treated with compassion and respect more than in exceptional cases. Deportations have, for example, been carried out without any preparation time for the individual. Finally, there is no follow-up from Sweden as to whether vulnerable groups receive sufficient protection during the process, something that Sweden is obliged to do according to the agreement with Afghanistan.

This is written by seven Swedish organizations which, in a joint attempt to stop the deportations that have been breached by contract, have turned to Afghanistan's refugee minister, Mr. Noor Rahman Akhlaqi, with an appeal that the Afghan government should say no to accepting deported people from Sweden.

- We are hundreds of thousands of Swedish civilians who in various ways are engaged in in refugee issues and who agree that we want to stop the deportations to Afghanistan. We feel that the Government, the Parliament and the Swedish Migration Agency do not understand the seriousness of the situation and what a full armed conflict means, says Sara Edvardson Ehrnborg from FARR, one of the organizations behind the letter.

Ms. Sara Edvardson Ehrnborg, on behalf of the board of The Swedish Network of Refugee Support Groups (FARR). FARR is an umbrella organisation for refugee support groups, founded in 1988. It is politically and religiously independent. Today, FARR has 50 member groups.

Ms. Kinna Skoglund, Vi står inte ut men vi slutar aldrig kämpa (We can’t stand it but never stop fighting) is a network of professionals and volunteer, founded in October 2016. The goal is amnesty for all unaccompanied minors who have been in Sweden one year or more. 79,000 followers on Facebook.

Dr. Ingrid Eckerman, MD, Stoppa utvisningarna till Afghanistan! (Stop deportations to Afghanistan!) is a network with 22,000 members (of which 7,000 young Afghans), founded in October 2016. The goal is to stop all forced deportations to Afghanistan.

Prof. Karin Fridell Anter
(The Support Pillar) was founded in 2017 by members of Stoppa utvisningarna till Afghanistan! It is a society for support of youth who sought asylum as unaccompanied minors.

Ms. Eva-Märta Granquist, Nu är det nog! (Now it’s enough!) is a network, founded in 2018, working to stop all forced deportations to Afghanistan and for amnesty for all unaccompanied minors who have been in Sweden one year or more.

Ms. Marit Törnqvist, Håll ihop Sverige (Stay together Sweden) is a campaign for amnesty for the unaccompanied minors. 160 organisations, representing all categories of the social society, are supporting the campaign.

Mr. Benjamin Fayzi, Ung i Sverige (Young in Sweden) is a democratic, religious and non-partisan, non-profit organization. It started in 2017 when Ung i Sverige had a sit-in protest in 58 days to stop deportations from Sweden to Afghanistan.

Contact: Ms. Sara Edvardson Ehrnborg
The Swedish Network of Refugee Support Groups, FARR  
+46 73 396 94 18

Read more in English

Letter to the Minister of the Afghan Ministry of Refugee and Repatriation, Mr. Noor Rahman Akhlaqi (see below)

Memorandum of Understanding between the Government o Sweden and the Government of the Islamic State of Afghanistan 2016 on cooperation in the field of migration

NGO Joint statement on Afghanistan September 2020  41 European organisations 

Asylum investigations of Afghan citizens in Sweden 2015-2020. Summary in English

Sweden: The situation of refugees of Afghan origin  July 2020

Suicide rate higher among refugee youths in Sweden  The Local 2018

Swedes complain to UN over government’s ”brutal” treatment of Afghan unaccompanied young minors Oct 5, 2020

Sweden’s compliance with the convention against torture against torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment (CAT)  Civil Rights defenders 2020

International conferences

Conference on the situation for Afghan refugees in Sweden. Lund 2018

How safe is Afghanistan? Stockholm 2018

Read more English texts about the situation for Afghan refugees in Sweden.

Contact person: Ingrid Eckerman,, +46705573193 

The letter

Stockholm, 20-12-04

To the Honourable Minister of the Afghan Ministry of Refugee and Repatriation,

Mr. Noor Rahman Akhlaqi

Dear Minister,

We, the undersigned representatives of numerous Swedish NGO:s assisting refugees, are opposed to the ongoing planned forced returns to Afghanistan and wish to share our concerns with you during this period when readmission agreements are being re-negotiated.

In October 2016, the Memorandum of Understanding between the Government of Sweden and the Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan on cooperation in the field of migration clearly stated that returns from Sweden to Afghanistan should be “dignified, safe, orderly, sustainable, humane”, and be implemented “without any fear of harassment, intimidation, persecution, discrimination, prosecution or any punitive measures whatsoever”. The returnees should be free to settle in their former place of residence.

We know that Sweden has not consistently fulfilled the terms of the Memorandum regarding those forcibly returned. Moreover, your predecessors have repeatedly stated that Afghanistan cannot concurrently reintegrate the many forced returnees from your neighbouring countries and cope with increasing forced returns from Europe. In such a situation, many returnees risk becoming homeless and victims of crime in cities like Kabul and, if male, risk being forcibly recruited to opposition groups.

We believe that the work being done by the Afghan authorities to improve the socioeconomic and security situation with the support of the international community will be greatly hampered by the reckless return of people with extremely limited resources to fend for themselves. The current practice of involuntary return highlights the need for renewed dialogue between the State Parties regarding long-term sustainable solutions that respect human dignity and human rights. In our contacts with the Swedish authorities we are continuing to call for a moratorium on involuntary returns to Afghanistan until these issues have been solved in a satisfactory manner.

The global Covid-19 pandemic is another major concern for every country. We are concerned about the health and wellbeing of everyone, including refugees in Sweden and those facing deportation. This is clearly not a time to place the lives of many at further risk – both to themselves and others – by forcibly returning them from Sweden to Afghanistan. Our respective countries are severely affected by the pandemic. That is why forced returns, which are often preceded by many weeks or months in closed and cramped detention centers, will not only put the lives of deportees at risk, but also create more chaos for both Sweden and Afghanistan.

We will continue to follow the fate of deportees and keep ourselves informed. We will also continue our Europe-wide demonstrations whenever needed to stand up for the human rights of refugees including those from Afghanistan, as we have done over many years. We will make sure the voices of vulnerable Afghan refugees are heard in every platform possible.

We appeal to you therefore, Honourable Minister, to do all in your power in your contacts with Sweden’s official representatives to see that return and readmission procedures live up to the goals of being dignified, safe, orderly, sustainable and human. In this respect we encourage the Afghan government to indicate clearly to Sweden and other countries that forced returns will not be acceptable until the situation improves.

Yours sincerely,

Ms. Sara Edvardson Ehrnborg, on behalf of the board of The Swedish Network of Refugee Support Groups (FARR). FARR is an umbrella organisation for refugee support groups, founded in 1988. It is politically and religiously independent. Today, FARR has 50 member groups. 

Ms. Kinna Skoglund, Vi står inte ut men vi slutar aldrig kämpa (We can’t stand it but never stop fighting) is a network of professionals and volunteer, founded in October 2016. The goal is amnesty for all unaccompanied minors who have been in Sweden one year or more. 79,000 followers on Facebook.

Dr. Ingrid Eckerman, MD, Stoppa utvisningarna till Afghanistan! (Stop deportations to Afghanistan!) is a network with 22,000 members (of which 7,000 young Afghans), founded in October 2016. The goal is to stop all forced deportations to Afghanistan.

Prof. Karin Fridell Anter, Stöttepelaren (The Support Pillar) was founded in 2017 by members of Stoppa utvisningarna till Afghanistan! It is a society for support of youth who sought asylum as unaccompanied minors.

Ms. Eva-Märta Granquist, Nu är det nog! (Now it’s enough!) is a network, founded in 2018, working to stop all forced deportations to Afghanistan and for amnesty for all unaccompanied minors who have been in Sweden one year or more.

Ms. Marit Törnqvist, Håll ihop Sverige (Stay together Sweden) is a campaign for amnesty for the unaccompanied minors. 160 organisations, representing all categories of the social society, are supporting the campaign.

Mr. Benjamin Fayzi, Ung i Sverige (Young in Sweden) is a democratic, religious and non-partisan, non-profit organization. It started in 2017 when Ung i Sverige had a sit-in protest in 58 days to stop deportations from Sweden to Afghanistan.


Organisations opposing Swedish asylum politics Dec 2020

Håll ihop Sverige

These organisations have signed the appeal “Stay together Sweden” (Håll ihop Sverige).

National organisations
Föreningen Sverige för flyktingamnesti
CFBRI- Centret för försvar av barns rättigheter
Ensamkommandes riksförbund
Familjenätverket Liv utan gränser
Läkare i världen
Refugees Welcome Sverige
Salam LADC
Stoppa utvisningarna av afghanska ungdomar!
Stöttepelaren- stödförening för ensamkommande barn och ungdomar
Ung i Sverige 
We ACT Sweden

Local organisations
Agape, Borås
Agape, Göteborg
Agapes vänner, Jönköping
Agapes vänner, Udevalla Tanum Munkedal
Agapes vänner Stenungsund Tjörn Orust
Aggunaryds Rödakorskrets
Asylgruppen Örebro
Asylkommittén i Gävleborg
Nätverket Azadi, Umeå
Botkyrka frivilliga familjehem
Föreningen Bygden bryr sig, Svärdsjö
Föreningen Drömhotellet, Öland/Kalmar
EKB-jouren, Ronneby
Nätverket #femövertolv, Östersund
Frivilliga familjehem, Jämtland
Frivilliga familjehem, Norrköping
Goda krafter för ensamkommande unga i Ljungby
Goda krafter för Ensamkommande Unga i Växjö 
Goda krafter i Alingsås
Hitta Hem, Kumla
Hudiksvall-Nordanstigs Asylkommitté
Ingen Människa Är Illegal, Uppsala
Ingen Människa Är Illegal, Östersund
Kompis Falun
Krisgruppen flyktingungdomar Gävle
Krisgruppen i Nätverket "Frivillig i Sandviken"
Krokoms internationella vänskapsförening (KIV)
Föreningen Kvar i Eksjö
Föreningen Kvar i Ydre
Leva Tillsammans, Tidaholm
Livboj18, Nyköping
Ljungby FN-förening
Ljungby Rödakorskrets
Nätverket Låt dom stanna, Umeå
Mensual, Malmö
Föreningen Människan i Kålltorp, Göteborg
Mångkulturellt centrum, Ronneby
Föreningen På väg till livet, Stockholm
Rosengrenska stiftelsen, Göteborg
SEMK -stödföreningen för ensamkommande ungdomar i Mönsterås kommun
Nätverket Skåne för amnesti
Solidaritetsföreningen Nordost, Stockholm
Stiftelsen Väderkvarnen, Ljugarn
Tillsammans för ensamkommande i Gullspång
Förening Tollebobarnen, Lerum
Ung i Sverige-Skåne
Ung i Sverige- Västerbotten
Vita Scarfen protest- inga fler deportationer
Världen i Värmland

Culture and media organisations
Alhambra förlag, Furulund
Arbetarteater Pegasus, Gävle
Barn och ungdomslitteratur Småland
Cirkus Cirkör, Alby
Fria teatergruppen "Din jacka hänger kvar i hallen", Arvidsjaur
Elsa & the unicorns, Göteborg
Embla illustration, Hörby/Svendborg
Filmbolaget Färgfilm, Halmstad
GöteborgsAktörernas Studio (GAS)
ILA (I Lindgrens Anda)
Kulturföreningen Konnsjögården, Horndal
Föreningen Kreativ Mångfald, Hörby
Magasinet Opulens
MeLitt Kultur AB, Karlstad
Qwack Text och Bild, Ydre 
Scenkonstkollektivet PotatoPotato
Tidskriften Socialpolitik
Svenska Barnboksakademin
Teater Aros, Uppsala

Religious congregations and associations
Alliansmissionen Ödeshög
Betelkyrkan, Östersund
Edsbyns Missionsförsamling
Equmeniakyrkan, Östersund
Fridhemskyrkan, Equmeniakyrkan Mora
Global Messengers Ministry, Östersund 
Hedemora Kristet Center
Islamiskt kulturcenter Durimi, Hörby 
Kalmar Bönetjänst
Linköpings 1:a Baptistförsamling
Missionskyrkan Linköping 
New Life Church EFS, Göteborg
Sjukhuskyrkan, Östersund
Storsjökyrkan, Östersund
Svenska Kyrkan, Arvidsjaurs församling
Svenska kyrkan, Byarums Pastorat 
Svenska kyrkan, Nordanstigskustens församling
Svenska Kyrkan, Tyresö församling
Vännernas samfund - Kväkarna
Älvdalens Baptistförsamling

Companies and businesses
HB Blandkultur, Örebro
Draknyckeln, Järna
Glommers Hatt och Leksaksmuseum
Hela Dan, Arvidsjaur
Innanförskapsakademin AB, Östersund
Iessn til AB
Jan Teeland: Text & Translation
Juristteamet Linköping
La Fayettes Britter Kattuppfödning, Kalmar
LagTag, Varberg 
AB Landsjöprodukter, Kimstad
Lerbergets Keramik, Ljungby
AB Landsjöprodukter, Kimstad
Lerbergets Keramik, Ljungby
Lukasgatan, Kalmar
Lyckans Stenugnsbageri, Hunnebostrand
Misgeld Music HB, Farsta
Ordgloben yoga & mindfullness, Uppsala
Oshas Collection, Gävle
Uppdrag Arbete-Arbetskooperativet för integration
Världens kompetenser, socialt företag Östersund 

Trade unions and political parties
Grön Ungdom
Lärarnas Riksförbund - Mora kommunförening
Lärarnas Riksförbund - Vimmerby kommunförening
Rättvisepartiet Socialisterna, Stockholm
Socialistisk politik
Unga Feminister
Ung Vänster, Skåne
Ung Vänster, Storstockholm
Ung Vänster, Västerbotten
Vänsterpartiet Ljungby
Vänsterpartiet Sundsvall
Vänsterpartiet Växjö

Sport organisations
Ariana FC, Malmö
Bergsjön SK
BK Enig, Växjö
Gatans Lag FF, Göteborg
Gottne IF, Örnsköldsvik
IFK Strömstad
Inter Linné IF, Göteborg
Kappelshamns IK 
Linköping/Norrköping Panthers 
Rampen IK
Vårgårda IK
Älvdalens IF FK Fotboll 
Östra Ryds IF, Söderköping

International organisations
Afghanistan Migrants Advice & Support Org (AMASO) 
Les amis des migrants suédophones en France - Svensktalande migranters vänner i Frankrike

Folkhögskolan i Angered
Bona folkhögskola
Färnebo folkhögskola
Hyllie Park folkhögskola, Malmö
Kalix folkhögskola
Kvarnby folkhögskola,  Malmö
Föreningen Offensiv Folkbildning
Ölands folkhögskola, Färjestaden 

”For human refugee politics”
94 organisations are taking part in the digital demonstration “For human refugee politics” (För en mänsklig flyktingpolitik). 4,500 people are marching. 

National organisations
Afarvänner i Sverige
Afghans in Sweden
Bike 4 Gaza Sweden
BUS – Barn och ungdomar i Sverige
Ensamkommandes förbund
FARR – Flyktinggruppernas riksråd
#Fem över tolv
Finns det plats för mig i världen?
Frivilliga familjehem i Sverige
Håll ihop Sverige
Iranska Riksförbundet i Sverige IRIS
#Jag är 2015
Liv utan gränser
Look at Sweden now – Stop deportations
Låt de ensamkommande stanna
Minderåriga vid första avslag
Nu är det nog!
Nysvenskar i Sverige
Palestinian Refugees Rights in Sweden
Palestiniers asylsökande, manifestation och sittstrejk
Palestinska rättvisecentret
Pensionärsupproret för en human migrationspolitik
Process Advokatbyrå
SISK Solidaritet i Svenska kyrkan
Sista klivet
Socialistisk politik
SOS Moria
Stoppa utvisningarna till Afghanistan!
Sudan Revolution Support Network – Sweden
Sverige för flyktingamnesti
Tusen barn tusen drömmar
Ung i Sverige
#Vi står inte ut men vi slutar aldrig kämpa
Women's march for amnesty 

Local groups
Agape Borås
Agape Varberg
Al Tadamon, Stockholm
Allas rätt till liv och skydd, Luleå
Amalthea bokkafé, Malmö
Amnesty kvinnorättsgrupp Västerbotten
Ariana FC, Malmö
Arm i arm, Lund
Asylkommittén i Gävleborg
Asylrättsstudenterna Uppsala
Dadal mat & möten, Uppsala
Ensamkommande unga i Gislaveds kommun
Frivilliga familjehem i Norrköping
Frivilliga familjehem i Tyresö
Frivilliga familjehem i Täby
Frivilliga familjehem i Österåker
Föreningen Drömhotellet Kalmar/Öland
Goda krafter för ensamkommande i Ljungby
Gränslösa röster, Stockholm
Haninge frivilliga familjehem
Hemma i Sverige, Värnamo
Hjo basket
Ideella familjehem i Luleå
Ingen människa är illegal Uppsala
Ingen människa är illegal Östersund
Kompis Falun
Krisgruppen flyktingungdomar i Gävle
Krisgruppen Frivillig i Sandviken
Kvar i Eksjö
Mälaröarnas EBO-grupp
Refugees welcome Sjuhärad
Rädda Barnen, Haninge
Rädda Barnen Kalmar
Röda kapellet, Lund
SEMK – Stödföreningen för ensamkommande ungdomar i Mönsterås
Stöttepelaren Kalmar
Stöttepelaren Sotenäs
Stöttepelaren Stockholm
Sundsvalls asylkommitté
Teater Aros, Uppsala
Tro och solidaritet i Stockholms norra innerstad
Tyresö utlands- och fredsförening TUFF
Ung i Sverige Skåne
Ung i Sverige Västerbotten
Universitetskyrkan i Kalmar
Vita Stenens flyktingstöd, Stockholm
Vän i Umeå
Vänsterpartiet Höör
Vänsterpartiet Sorsele
Vänsterpartiet Växjö
Världen i Värmland
Österlens stödförening för flyktingar 

#stoppaplanentillsammans   #stoptheplanestogether

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