Intervjun är översatt till dari. The interview is translated to Dari. مصاحبه به دری ترجمه شده است.
Ge permanent uppehållstillstånd åt alla afghanska medborgare som sökt asyl i Sverige!
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- Nytt från Afghanistan
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- #rättssäkert Migrationsverket och domstolarna
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lördag 25 januari 2025
tisdag 3 september 2024
Report: Legal uncertainty for Afghan asylum seekers still high
On 7 October, the Swedish Agency for Public Management, Statskontoret, will present its review of legal certainty in the Migration Agency's asylum decisions. A more specific review of how Afghan refugees' asylum applications were assessed was published in August by the Swedish Network of Refugee Support Groups, FARR.
fredag 22 mars 2024
New report 2024: The legal insecurity at the Swedish Migration Agency remains
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Ill. Mattias Elftorp |
söndag 11 juni 2023
New report: The Swedish Migration Agency underestimates the risks for returnees to Afghanistan
artist. The picture taken from the Facebook group Stoppa utvisningarna till Afghanistan! (Stop the deportations to
What does the Swedish Migration Agency think when they believe that Afghan citizens can return to the Afghanistan of the Taliban? To get an answer to that question, we have reviewed a number of decisions and compiled them in a new report.
fredag 9 juni 2023
How do Swedish authorities judge the risks for returnees from Sweden to Taliban’s Afghanistan?
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Unknown artist. Taken from the facebook group Stoppa utvisningarna till Afghanistan! |
Twenty refusal
decisions on asylum applications
from Afghan citizens scrutinized
June 9, 2023
måndag 14 mars 2022
The refugees from 2015 - the situation in Sweden March 2022
The Afghan refugees in Sweden have been treated like a lottery. |
Today, in March 2022, we are planning to receive maybe 100,000 refugees from Ukraine. We hope they will get a better welcoming than the many thousands of refugees from 2015 who are living in limbo in Sweden.
tisdag 8 december 2020
The forced deportations from Sweden to Afghanistan are resumed!
On December 15, Sweden will resume forced deportations to Afghanistan. This takes place in the midst of a serious pandemic, to a country torn apart by war, terror and poverty.
söndag 6 december 2020
Asylum investigations of Afghan citizens in Sweden 2015-2020
This is a summary in English of the report "Sveriges asylutredningar av afghanska medborgare 2015–2020 version 1, oktober 2020" from the network Stop deportations to Afghanistan! (Stoppa utvisningarna till Afghanistan!) October 2020.
lördag 11 juli 2020
Sweden: The situation of refugees of Afghan origin
By Karin Fridell Anter and Ingrid Eckerman, July 2020